Standard Command Set

Before describing individual commands it is useful to get a view of the standard command set. All commands are available in all interfaces although some are no-ops.

The set command allows various settings to be assigned, and multiple settings can be included on a command line. This command is and is a consolidation of individual commands available in previous versions. The old commands (e.g. pcompress now replaced with set pcompress=) are still available but have been deprecated and will be phased out.

Data Source Definition


Change directory


Connect to a database

Data Selection and Retrieval


Define a query (typical interface-dependent SQL data selection)


Define a query for retrieval of system or meta-data information


set classname

Provide a name for the class used by objfetch

set classtype

Provide a type for the class used by objfetch

set clip

Define a clipping region(s)

set noclip

Define inverse clipping region(s)

set memlimit

Define maximum memory usage

set objectcolumn

Provide a column from which object names are derived during objfetch

set objectprefix

Provide a name prefix for object names derived during objfetch

set prefetch

Set the internal fetch row buffer count



Fetch the class definition of the current select query.


Fetch row data as composite objects and send to the client


Fetch row data and send to the client for graphic draw-only purposes

set single_vectors

Fetch single line vectors as single lines (1) or polylines (0).

Database Interface Commands

Database interfaces have direct connections to database servers (ODBC, Oracle etc.). Any commands not recognised as interface commands are passed through to the database as SQL, e.g. select, insert, update, delete. In addition, the following commands are understood by database interfaces only.


Fetch a row of data values and send to the client


Fetch multiple rows of data values and send to the client


Execute a PL/SQL command (Oracle only)

Interfaces which are not database interfaces do not understand SQL and the above commands will product syntax errors.



Turn on debug messages

set progress

Turn on data retrieval progress messages

set quiet

Turn on quiet mode, to suppress translator messages

set statistics

Turn on data retrieval statistics messages

Default Symbology

set alpha

Set the alpha transparency for graphics

set approx

Set the approximation factor for curves

set brightness

Set the color intensity for graphics

set color

Set the color override for graphics

set fillstyle

Set the fill style for polygons

set linestyle

Set the line style for vectors

set markerangle

Set the angle for marker symbols

set markerheight

Set the height for marker symbols

set markerstyle

Set the style for marker symbols

set textheight

Set the height for annotations

set textstyle

Set the style for annotations

set thickness

Set the thickness for vectors

set native_symbology

Use or don't use symbology inherent in the source data.

General Data Settings


Initialize the client


Define projection information

set group

Set group/layer information

set ipath

Set a path for entity file references


Define unit of measurement information

Listing and Querying


List details of the current query


List current symbology settings


Query the extents of the current data source


Query the data tables available for selection


Query the version of the translator


Display command help information


Direct listings/messages to a file


Send a user message to the client

Compression Control

set generalize

Set the line simplification tolerance

set packet

Set the network traffic buffer size

set pcompress

Set eim general packet compression

set vcompress

Set eim vector compression



Send a command to the client for execution


Execute a translator command script


Direct output to an eim file


Perform a "soft reset" on the translator environment


Clear the internal object name cache


Stop the translator

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