Element: compound.origin




The 3-D origin or base point of the compound primitive.

When a compound object is created, its origin is taken as the position of graphic control (gc), or it may be specified on the compound creation command, e.g.

compound ~myatable.thing_t {
   entity e[]
   numeric nvalue
~myatable.thing_t myobj,-p=mypoint

For compounds created by importing an eim import stream the compound origin is typically taken to be the origin of the first of its entity children.

Redefining the value of the origin (e.g. via a command such as myobj.origin = mypt) effectively moves the compound entity and all its children to a new 3-D position. If you just wish to redefine the origin without moving the position if its children, use the modify command, e.g.

modify myobj { origin = mypoint }