dbupdate <ident> {,<ident> ... }
Update the database from the local copy of dbstructure values.
Existing identifier(s). They must be dbstructure-type identifiers. Wild names are permitted to
facilitate multiple updates.
Update only the identifier(s) of the indicated identifier <type>.
dbupdate writes all elements of a dbstructure-type identifier to the database. Partial array updates are not permitted.
A database row entry matching the dbstructure key of <ident> must exist.
Following the dbupdate command, the dbstructure is marked "refreshable" which means that the next reference to the dbstructure will fetch the updated values from the database.
Update a dbstructure to database.
person.phone = '555-5709' dbupdate person
Update all dbstructures of a specific type.
dbupdate *.*, -ty=~admin.staff
Commands: |
Structures: |