do <command_block> while (<condition>)
do <command_block> until (<condition>)
Execute a command or block of commands until a condition has a false (or true) value.
A conditional phrase yielding a boolean value.
One command or a block of commands to be continually executed while (or until) <condition>
is true.
Any non-zero numeric or point, or any non-null string is considered true when evaluating <condition>.
This command cannot have events assigned to it.
A jump to the end of the do block may be made with the continue command. A break out of the do block may be made with a break command.
Execute one command.
do x = x/5; until (x < 10)
Execute a command block.
numeric x = 1, maxval = array.alength do { if (array[x] >= 0) tell <’element’,x,’is positive’> else tell <’element’,x,’is negative’> } while (x <= maxval )
Commands: |
Identifiers: |
cond_precision (numeric) |