Element: graphic_window.post_vector_layer




The layer containing any manual graphics rendered during the window's window.post_redraw callback. This layer, like all layers, is a member of the window.layers[] array, and it follows all vector layers in the layer order. This restriction is maintained automatically.

This layer is created automatically on execution of the window.post_redraw callback when an attempt is made to draw graphics manually (e.g. via the draw or rasdraw commands. or the window.annotate function). If no manual graphics are rendered, this layer is not created.

If no window.post_redraw is defined for the window, or no manual graphics are rendered during execution of it, the value of this element is null.

There is also a window.pre_vector_layer for graphics rendered before the first vector layer has been painted.

See Also


layer, wgraphic,


layer, window.post_redraw, window.redraw