httpset <domain>
Define information to be added to HTTP packets sent across the internet.
Such information includes:
Name/value pairs to be appended to URL's.
Name/value pairs to be included in HTTP headers.
Cookie values to be included in HTTP headers.
Proxy authentication values to be included in HTTP headers.
WWW authentication values to be included in HTTP headers.
One of the above will be added depending on which command switches are specified.
HTTP packets are sent by the download/httpget and httppost commands, and during communication with network service channels and databases.
The url domain to which this addition applies. Whenever an HTTP packet is being
sent to a URL with <domain> within it,
the addition is applied. This is typically a web-server path.
Define the value of a cookie to be added to the HTTP header. This is typically
of the form "NAME=VALUE".
Remove the addition specified by the other switches.
Add one or more name/value pairs to the HTTP header (see the -nam
One or more names, combined with the -val switch,
providing name/value pairs to be added to the URL (with the -url
switch) or the HTTP header (with the -hdr switch).
When adding name/value pairs to the URL, the sequence "&name=value"
is appended to the URL. When adding to the header, the sequence "name:
value\n" is appended to the HTTP header contents.
A proxy authentication string to be included in the HTTP header. The value
of this string is the proxy realm for which authentication is being given.
The authentication value itself is supplied via the -val
switch. The name of the realm for your proxy server can be determined by
hitting the server from within a browser, and reading the name displayed
in the challenge dialog. Typically your site will only have one proxy server
and will be used for all outgoing http requests, so typically the domain
should be something like '/'. If you do not supply this for outgoing http
requests, you will be prompted for the user/password on the first "visit"
to the proxy server. Assuming correct authentication you will be not prompted
again thereafter. This option is typically used just to circumvent the challenge.
Add one or more name/value pairs to the URL (see the -nam
When combined with the -nam switch, this defines
one or more values which, in combination with the -nam
strings, provide name/value pairs to be added to the URL (with the -url
switch) or the HTTP header (with the -hdr switch).
When combined with the -pro or -www
switches, this defines a user:password authentication value. The
value may be encoded via the fxencode
function to keep from prying eyes.
A WWW authentication string to be included in the HTTP header. The value
of this string is the WWW realm on a remote web server for which authentication
is being given. The authentication value itself is supplied via the -val
switch. If you do not supply this for outgoing http requests, you will be
prompted for the user/password on the first "visit" to the particular
web server. Assuming correct authentication you will be not prompted again
thereafter. This option is typically used just to circumvent the challenge.
The current HTTP additions may be inspected by the sysdump http command.
In a browser deployment situation, cookies are added to HTTP settings automatically on system start.
Add 2 name/value pairs to all URL's hitting
httpset '',-url,-name=<'core','sense'>,-val=<'17','xtra'>
Remove one of them, so that it no longer gets added.
httpset '',-del,-url,-name='core',-val='17'
Add a cookie to all URL's hitting
httpset '',-cook='JSESSIONID=851af6dc01af'
Add authentication (fictional) for a proxy realm.
httpset '/',-pro='MARS_PROXY',-val='kirk:uhuru'
Add authentication (in encoded form) for a WWW realm.
string s = fxencode('scott:tiger') httpset '',-www='admin',-val=s
Commands: |