modify_ls { <elist> ... } { <old_linestyle> => <new_linestyle> ... }
Modify linestyles of entities.
A group/entity list
defining which entities are to be modified. If omitted, the current contents
of the these group are modified.
A linestyle to be modified, This can be a linestyle or a
A replacement linestyle. All occurrences of <old_linestyle>
are replaced with <new_linestyle>.
A filter to be applied to all entities within <elist>,
further qualifying which entities are to be modified. If omitted, the
filter current_filter is used.
<old_linestyle> => <new_linestyle> phrases must be specified one per input line.
Sub-entities of compounds may be modified in isolation from their parent entities.
An entity can also have all linestyles changed into a constant linestyle en-bloc via the modify command.
Modify several linestyles of all entities within a group.
modify_ls mygroup { ~myapp.ls1 => green green => brown ~myapp.ls2 => null }
Commands: |
Identifiers: |
current_filter (filter), these (group) |
Structures: |