Element: panel.nvalue[ ]




The current "text value" of the panel as a numeric value. This element is derived from the panel.text and/or panel.value elements and gives a numeric value corresponding to the current panel state. It is basically the panel.tvalue element converted to a number, and is a convenience for type conversion purposes.

It will have a different meaning depending on the panel type:

The array length of this element is one for those panels for which this element is applicable, except for multiple list panels, when its array length is governed by the number of options currently selected.

For a multiple-line text panel the .tvalue is a concatenation of all text lines with a new line character separating each. As such it is not usual to use its .nvalue.

If string-to-numeric conversion is not possible, a warning will be issued.

Exponential notation will be used to display large number if .nvalue is changed. Changes will automatically update the panel.value element. To avoid exponential notation being used, you can set the panel.value directly.