The keyboard traversal order for panel children of panel_window. This defines which panels are given the keyboard focus when "tabbing" through the panel window. Pressing the TAB key moves the focus to the next panel, pressing SHIFT-TAB moves the focus to the previous panel.
This array is a list of panel names giving the traversal order, each element corresponding to the element of the panel or the string "panels[<n>]" when a sub-panel has no name.
Only panels with user-interaction are included in keyboard traversal. Ppanels with no interaction, e.g. label panels or read-only text panels are not included. Those that have user interaction are included irrespective of their current visibility or ghostliness.
On window initialization the order of elements in this array corresponds to the panel creation order within the wpanel command definition. The size of the array is the number of panels with user-interaction capabilities.
Care must be taken when changing the elements of this array, and thus the traversal order, to ensure that all the relevant panels are present in the new order. Such changes will not take effect unless they are.
The following will display three string values: b1 b2 b3
window w = wpanel { label 'User Response' row { b1: button 'Apply' b2: button 'Cancel' b3: button 'Help' } } tell w.traversal
Reversing the traversal order, this will display: b3 b2 b1
reverse w.traversal tell w.traversal
Setting the order specifically, this will display: b2 b3 b1.
w.traversal = <'b2','b3','b1'> tell w.traversal
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