File: xservers.def


The X server definitions file (xservers.def).


External text editor.




Many X-windows servers behave differently. In theory they should not. To handle differences in server behavior the Fire macro language has facilities for querying which X server is currently being used. The facility uses Fire identifiers x_server and x_release. There has to be a linkage between Fire and the X server so that x_server and x_release can be initialized when Fire starts up. The file xservers.def provides this linkage and can be customized by the site administrator on a network-wide basis. It cannot be customized for individual Fire users.

Fire will look for xservers.def in $MXSITE. If not found there it will look in $MXSYS/etc.

xservers.def contains a list of names and corresponding X-server vendor strings. Each record in the file has the format:

<name> {<release>} <vendor_string>


sun 4 X11/NeWS - Sun Microsystems Inc.

All lines beginning with a # are treated as comment lines.

If the vendor string of the currently running X-server matches a <vendor_string> in xservers.def, than the Fire string identifier x_server is set to the corresponding value <name>. The parameter <release> provides Fire with an indication of the release number of the X server. If included it should be a number 3, 4 or 5. If omitted, four is assumed. The numeric identifier x_release is set to this value.

Determining the vendor string

To determine the vendor string for a particular X server, the X utility xdpyinfo should be used. This utility prints a gamut of information about the server including a line:

vendor string: <description>

This description is what should be entered verbatim into xservers.def.

Determining the release number

The release number of an X server can be obtained from appropriate X documentation. xdpyinfo does not provide this information in an obvious form.


A site administrator can add or delete servers to xservers.def by copying the system supplied file to $MXSITE and then editing it. This is explained during Fire Installation procedures.

The system-supplied file $MXSYS/etc/xservers.def should not be changed.

See Also


x_release (numeric), x_server (string)