Command: ebuffer


{<entity> = } ebuffer <offset>,<elist>


Create one or more polygon graphic entities formed from buffer zones around one or more entities. Effectively "enlarging" the entities, creating new ones.




This command creates one or more graphic entities of type polygon.

A positive offset will enlarge the entities. A negative offset will reduce the entities. A zero offset is not permitted. The resulting polygon configuration may cause some holes or islands to disappear. Any donut shapes produced by the buffer operation will produce hole polygons. Polygons which reduce to a line for one reason or another are ignored.

All polygons (including holes and islands) created by an ebuffer command form the contents of the group these.

The system numeric found records the number of polygons created by the ebuffer command. Holes and islands are excluded from the count.


Create a buffer zone polygon from a disjoint polyline. Fill it with a blue color.

entity PL2 = lines { (150,0),e:100,n:40,@n:20,n:40,w:100&s:30,r }
ebuffer 5,PL2,-ap=32,-fil=blue

Create a buffer zone polygon around a polygon with a hole.

# Create the outer polygon
  entity poly1 = polygon -fil=red {
   p0, e:120, n:100&w:20, w:20, n:20, w:80, r
# Add a hole to it
entity hpoly1 = polygon -par=poly1 {
# Create the buffer polygon
ebuffer 5,poly1,-ap=32

See Also


entity, gstructure, point, polyclip, polygon, prism, zone


def_color (color), def_fragment (numeric), def_ls (linestyle), def_rank (numeric), these (group)


entity (polygon)