The status of the last search or fetch-type command. This is maintained automatically by the system although its value may be changed. At system startup, its value is 0.
Various commands which search for occurrences of objects, or which create an arbitrary number of objects, or which get interactive selections from the screen, set this identifier to 1 or more when an occurrence is found, or 0 if the operation failed.
Commands and functions which set this identifier include:
ask - Command: Interactive request for a value.
choosecolor, choosedir, choosefile, choosefont - Functions: System resource selection via a dialog window.
db { *fetch } - Sub-command: Fetch a record from an external database.
dbtrans { *fetch } - Sub-command: Fetch a record from an external database.
download, httpget, httppost - Commands: Download a file across the Internet.
idir - Command: Search for identifiers in an atable.
dir - Command: Search for files in a directory.
epick - Epointer: Interactively picking a 3-D entity.
lineclip - Command: Result of 2-D clip polyline operations.
linemerge - Command: Result of 2-D polyline merge operations.
luglock - Function: Interactive locking to an entity lug point.
pcur - Function: Selecting a 3-D graphic point.
pfile - Command: Reading points from a text file.
plock - Function: Interactive locking to a 3-D entity.
polyclip - Command: Result of 2-D boolean polygon operations.
polymerge - Command: Result of 2-D polygon merge.
scur - Function: Selecting a 2-D screen position.
search - Command: Search for a string within a text file.
zone - Command: Create a 2-D buffer zone of polygons.