Command: linemerge


linemerge <elist>


Create one or more polyline graphic entities from the result of joining start/end vertices of other polyline and vector entities.



This will merge gstructure objects of class ~gis.roads_t which have the same value for road_name. The resulting new gstructure objects, also of type ~gis.roads_t, will have attributes transferred from one of the original gstructure objects, chosen at random. One distinct set of polylines (or one polyline depending on whether the -mul switch is present) is produced for every unique value of "attribute" within the source entities.


This command creates one or more graphic entities of type polyline.

All polylines created by a linemerge command form the contents of the group these.

Resulting polyline entities will have the same symbology as the original source entities.

The system numeric found records the number of polylines created by the linemerge command.


Merge all lines in a group (into "these").

linemerge ga

Merge all lines in a group collating on a gstructure attribute. One polyline gstructure is produced for each unique value of the attribute. Resulting entities are put into a group gb.

linemerge ga,-att=~gis.roads_t.road_name,-mul,-g=gb

See Also


entity, gstructure, lineclip, lines, vector


angle_mode (string)