licman -c -s server_host_id -m server_machine_type
licman -i -p product -v version -k license_keys
{-n host_id -m machine_type}
licman -i -p product -v version -z license_keys
{-n host_id -m machine_type}
licman -d -k license_keys
licman -d -z license_keys
licman -l
licman -L
licman -u
A utility program for creating and maintaining Fire license files.
-c -s server_host_id -m server_machine_type
Creates and initializes
a new license file $MXSITE/fire.lic for the network
license server whose host ID is server_host_id
and whose type is server_machine_type. If a license
file already exists, it will be overwritten, after confirmation.
-i -p product -v version -k license_keys
-i -p product -v version -z license_keys
Insert a new license for a particular version of a particular product. Any
existing license for the same product will be replaced. The license keys
must be obtained from a licensing authority and may be supplied as 5 or
7 keys. -k should be used for a 5-key set,
-z should be used for a 7-key set.
-n host_id -m machine_type
The inserted license is to be "node-locked" to the host specified by host_id
and machine_type.
-d -k license_keys
-d -z license_keys
Delete the license whose keys are license_keys. License keys come as sets
of 5 or 7 keys. -k should be used to delete a 5-key set,
-z should be used to delete a 7-key set.
Produce a full listing of the current license file contents.
Produce a listing of the current contents of the license file as a set
of commands.
Inform the network license server of the license file updates.
A host id is a number which uniquely identifies a workstation. The utility getnodeid, supplied with the installation, may be used to determine the host id for a particular workstation.
Machine types currently recognized are:
for Windows/Linux(intel) - i386, pc
for Sun - sun_4, sun4, sparc
for IBM RS6 - ibm, rs6000, rs_6000
for Silicon Graphics - sgi, iris
for Hewlett Packard 9000 Series 700 - hp, hp9000, hp9000_700
Upper or lower case machine types are accepted.
License keys consist of hexadecimal numbers which are obtained from licensing authorities. When license keys are issued, they will normally be accompanied by the licman command to be used for insertion into the license file. Keys may be specified with or without spaces between the groups of numbers.
If the network license server (mxserver) is running when the license file is updated, it will not know of any changes made to the license file because it pre-processes the license file when it starts. Once changes to a license file have been made, the command licman -u should be issued to inform the server that it should reprocess the license file.
Listings are output to stdout.
The following will create a license file ($MXSITE/fire.lic) and initialize it for the network license server host (a SUN Sparc) whose host ID is 510006d9.
licman -c -s 510006d9 -m sparc
The following commands add 2 licenses, the first insertion being node-locked to a Sun 4 workstation.
licman -i -p mxserver -v 2 -n 57a603c5 -m sun4 \ -k 1234 5678 9abc def0 4321 licman -i -p fire -v 2 -k dead beef feed 90a0 abbe
The following will produce a full license file contents listing on stdout.
licman -l
The following enables easy reconstruction of the license file in case of accidental deletion, by directing output of licman commands to a backup shell script file
licman -L > licenses_backup.bat
This would be appropriate for a Windows system. We would use a .sh extension on a Unix system.
The following would rebuild the license file again from the script.
The following will send a message to the running server that the license file has been updated, and any changes will then come into effect.
licman -u
The following will delete a license form the license file and send an update message to the running server.
licman -d -k 1234 5678 9abc def0 4321 licman -u
Utilities: |