projection <name>, <code> {,<origin>}
projection <name> = <ident>
Create or redefine a projection identifier.
The name of the projection
A string value containing
a mnemonic code of one of the available projections. The list of available
projection mnemonics are given below.
The origin of the
projection. This should be a longitude/latitude point in degrees. If omitted,
a default typically (0,0) is used.
Copy the attributes
of an existing projection identifier into the new projection identifier.
All command switches are ignored.
A local 2-D transformation angle. When this switch is present all points in the projection are assumed
to be rotated counterclockwise through angle.
The pivot point for the rotation is the local origin (-loc).
A datum shift to be applied when converting between longlat and the projection.
The system always assumes that longlat coordinates are based on positions
on the WGS84 ellipsoid, and the datum shift adjusts for differences in ellipsoid
for local regions. Either 3 or 7 numeric values may be supplied, depending
on the datum shift transformation being used (see -dt).
When this switch is omitted, longlat coordinates from and to this projection are assumed to be on the ellipsoid specified for the projection. If the ellipsoid specified for this projection is WGS84, this switch is redundant. The first 3 datum parameters (always shifts in distance) are assumed to be in the current modeling units (or the -un value).
A string containing an EPSG code defining which datum shift transformation
to use in conjunction with the -dat parameter values.
If omitted, the Molodensky 3-parameter transformation is used. Available
datum transformations are as follows:
No of
epsg9603 3 Simple 3-parameter translation epsg9604 3 Molodensky transformation epsg9605 3 Abridged Molodensky transformation epsg9606 7 Position Vector Helmert transformation
aka Bursa-Wolfepsg9607 7 Co-ordinate Frame Helmert transformation
The earth eccentricity (pole radius / equatorial radius). If omitted, it
is computed automatically from other ellipsoid parameters.
The earth height (minor radius) in meters at the poles. If omitted, a radius
derived from other ellipsoid parameters is used.
The EPSG (European Petroleum Survey Group) geographic transformation number
for the projection. This can be supplied for client purposes only and is
not used by the system, except to be available as the projection's
value. Note: supplying such a value does not make it available as an
epsg# projection.
The earth radius (in meters) at the equator. If omitted, a radius derived
from other ellipsoid parameters is used.
A string containing a mnemonic code supplying the ellipsoid (earth model),
also known as the spheroid. If omitted, a sphere of earth radius 6371000
meters is assumed, unless the projection mnemonic is "longlat" in which case
wgs84 is assumed. The list of available ellipsoid mnemonics is given below.
As an alternative, its EPSG ellipsoid number may be specified, e.g. epsg7030.
Provides one or more additional latitudes (applicable for some projections,
e.g. conics). The values should be in degrees.
A local 2-D transformation origin shift. When this switch is present all
points in the projection are assumed to be relative to this point (in projection
space). Local rotation and scaling (-ang and -sc) are
computed relative to this point. The coordinates are assumed to be in the
current modeling units (or the -un value), but will
be adjusted automatically on a subsequent change of modeling units.
The reciprocal flattening of the earth. If omitted, any flattening defined
by the ellipsoid is used. If included, this resets the eccentricity.
For some projections, e.g. the Universal Transverse Mercator projection,
this indicates a South Hemisphere origin shift.
A local 2-D transformation scale factor. When this switch is present all
points in the projection are assumed to be scaled by this factor. The pivot
point for the scaling is the local origin (-loc).
The SRID (Oracle Spatial Reference Identifier ) number
for the projection. This can be supplied for client purposes only and is
not used by the system, except to be available as the projection's .srid
value. Note: supplying such a value does not make it available as an
srid# projection.
The units for the -loc and -dat
values. If this switch is omitted, the current modeling units are assumed.
A version number (necessary for some projections).
An auxiliary weighting factor (necessary for some projections).
Create the projection from a definition in an xml file. If this switch is
present all other switches are ignored. An example of projection xml contents
may be found in the file $MXSYS/etc/projections.xml.
A Universal Transverse Mercator zone number. This should have a value 1
through 60.
All projections provide a means of going from longitude/latitude to Cartesian space, but some do not have an inverse. These are marked as F (forward) and I (inverse) in the supplementary list of projection mnemonics.
Many (by no means all) of the Oracle spatial projections are already known to the system and do not have to redefined. They can be referenced by using the appropriate srid number, e.g. srid81989.
Also, some (by no means all)
of the EPSG geographic transformations are already known to the system and do
not have to redefined. They can be referenced by using the appropriate epsg
number, e.g. epsg20248.
projection amg55,'utm',-z=55,-s,-g='aust_ntl'
projection my55 = amg55
projection cassini,'cassini'
projection ukng,'tmercator',(-2,49),-loc=(-400000,100000),\ -g='airy',-dat=(372,-111,426),-un='m',-w=0.999601
projection gauss_boaga_est,'tmercator',(9,0),-loc=(-2520000,0),\ -g='ire09',-dat=(-87,-98,-121),-un='m',-w=0.9996
Commands: |
Functions: |
Identifiers: |
epsg# (projection), ll_proj (projection), mapping (projection), srid# (projection) |
Projection Code Description Conversion Switch Options airy Airy F -v=1 (cut at hemisphere limit)
-v=2 (no cut at hemisphere limit)
-lat=<num> (default 90)aitoff Aitoff F albers Albers Equal Area FI -lat=<nums> (default 0,10) apian Apian Globular F august August Epicycloidal F bacon Bacon Globular F bipolar Bipolar Conic FI boggs Boggs Eumorphic F bonne Bonne FI -lat=<num> (default 40) cassini Cassini FI collignon Collignon FI centcyl Central Cylindrical FI cyleqarea Cylindrical Equal Area FI -lat=<num> (default 0) dense Denoyer Semi-Elliptical F eckert Eckert FI -v=<num> (range 1 through 6, default is 1) eisenlohr Eisenlohr F eqd_azim Equidistant Azimuthal FI -lat=<num> (default 0) eqd_conic Equidistant Conic FI -lat=<nums> (default 0,10) eqd_cyl Equidistant Cylindrical or
EquirectangularFI -lat=<num> (default 0) fournier Fournier Globular F gall Gall Stereographic FI goode Goode Homosoline F gnomonic Gnomonic FI hammer Hammer Elliptical F -w=<num> (weighting factor, default 0.5) hatano Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area FI isg Integrated Survey Grid FI -s (Southern Hemisphere)
-z=<num> (Zone number)lagrange Lagrange F -lat=<num> (default 0)
-w=<num> (weighting factor, default 2)lazeqarea Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area FI lcc Lambert Conformal Conic FI -lat=<nums> (default 0,10) leqarea Lambert Equal Area Conic FI -lat=<num> (default 0)
-s (Southern Hemisphere)longlat Longitude/Latitude FI loxim Loximuthal FI -lat=<num> (default 0) mcbryde McBryde-Thomas FI -v=1 (Flat-Polar Parabolic, the default)
-v=2 (Flat-Polar Sinusoidal)
-v=3 (Flat-Polar Quartic)mercator Mercator FI -lat=<num> (default 0) miller Miller Cylindrical FI mollweide Mollweide FI nicolosi Nicolosi Globular F nzmg New Zealand Mapping Grid FI ortelius Ortelius F ortho Orthographic FI parabolic Craster Parabolic FI pconic Perspective Conic F -lat=<nums> (default 0,10) polyconic Polyconic (American) FI putnins Putnins FI -v=2 (P2, the default)
-v=5 (P5)quarth Quartic Authalic FI rectpoly Rectangular Polyconic F -lat=<num> (default 0) robinson Robinson FI sinusoidal Sinusoidal FI somercator Swiss Oblique Mercator FI stereo Stereographic FI -lat=<num> (default 90)
-w=<num> (dk value, default 1)tcc Transverse Central Cylindrical F tcea Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area FI tmercator Transverse Mercator FI -w=<num> (scale factor, default 1) up_stereo Universal Polar Stereographic FI -s (Southern Hemisphere) utm Universal Transverse Mercator FI -s (Southern Hemisphere, Australian Mapping Grid origin)
-z=<num> (Zone number)van_der_grinten Van der Grinten FI
F-v=1 (projection I, the default)
-v=2 (projection II)
-v=2 (projection III)
-v=4 (projection IV)wagner Wagner VII F winkel Winkel I FI -lat=<num> (default 0) winkel_tripel Winkel Tripel F -lat=<num> (default 0)
Ellipsoid Code EPSG ID Description Equatorial
Radius (m)Polar
Radius (m)Reciprocal
Flatteningnull epsg7035 Default spheroid 6371000 airy epsg7001 Airy 1830 6377563.396 299.3249646 ats77 epsg7041 Average Terrestrial System 1977 6378135 298.257 aust_ntl epsg7003 Australian National Spheroid 6378160 298.25 bessel epsg7004 Bessel 1841 6377397.155 299.1528128 bessel_mod epsg7005 Bessel Modified 6377492.018 299.1528128 bessel_nam epsg7006 Bessel Namibia 6377483.865 299.1528128 bessel_nam_glm epsg7046 Bessel Namibia (GLM) 6377397.155 299.1528128 clrk58 epsg7007 Clarke 1858 6378350.8 6356675.02 clrk66 epsg7008 Clarke 1866 6378206.4 294.9786982 clrk66_as epsg7052 Clarke 1866 Authalic Sphere 6370997 6370997 clrk66_michigan epsg7009 Clarke 1866 Michigan 6378437.29 6356813.91 clrk80 epsg7012 Clarke 1880 (RGS) 6378249.145 293.465 clrk80_arc epsg7013 Clarke 1880 (Arc) 6378249.145 293.4663077 clrk80_benoit epsg7010 Clarke 1880 (Benoit) 6378300.789 6356566.435 clrk80_ft epsg7055 Clarke 1880 (international foot) 6378306.3 6356572 clrk80_ign epsg7011 Clarke 1880 (IGN) 6378249.2 6356515 clrk80_orig epsg7034 Clarke 1880 6378306.37 6356572 293.465 clrk80_sga epsg7014 Clarke 1880 (SGA 1922) 6378249.2 293.46598 everest epsg7015 Everest 1830 (1937 Adjustment) 6377276.3452 300.8017 everest_1830 epsg7042 Everest 1830 (1830 Definition) 6377309.6 6356108.57 300.8017 everest_1948 Everest 1948 Malay 6377304.063 6356103.039 300.8017 everest_1956 Everest 1956 India 6377301.243 6356100.228 300.8017 everest_1962 epsg7044 Everest 1830 (1962 Definition) 6377301.243 300.8017255 everest_1967 epsg7016 Everest 1830 (1967 Definition) 6377298.556 300.8017 everest_1969 epsg7056 Everest 1830 (RSO 1969) 6377295.664 300.8017 everest_1975 epsg7045 Everest 1830 (1975 Definition) 6377299.151 300.8017255 everest_pak Everest Pakistan 6377309.613 6356109.571 300.80159 everest_sabah Everest Sabah 6377298.556 66356097.550 300.8017 gda94 epsg7020 Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 6378137 298.257222101 gem_10c epsg7031 GEM 10C 6378137 298.257223563 grs67 epsg7036 GRS 67 6378160 247.247167 grs80 epsg7019 GRS 1980 6378137 298.257222101 grs80_as1 epsg7047 GRS 1980 Authalic Sphere 6370997 6370997 grs80_as2 epsg7048 GRS 1980 Authalic Sphere 6371007 6371007 helmert epsg7020 Helmert 1906 6378200 298.3 hough epsg7053 Hough 1960 6378270 297 iau76 epsg7049 IAU 1976 6378140 298.257 indonesia_1974 epsg7021 Indonesian National Spheroid 6378160 298.247 ire09 epsg7022 International 1924 6378388 297 ire67 International 1967 6378157.5 297 krass epsg7024 Krassovsky 1940 6378245 298.3 mercury Mercury 1960 6378166 6356784.283666 merit MERIT 1983 6378137 298.257 mod_airy epsg7002 Modified Airy 6377340.189 299.3249646 mod_ever epsg7018 Everest 1830 Modified 6377304.063 300.8017 mod_fischer Modified Fischer 1960 6378155.063 298.3 mod_merc Modified Mercury 1968 6378150 6356768.337303 new_intl New International 1967 6378157.5 6356772.2 nwl_9d epsg7025 NWL 9D 6378145 298.25 osu86f epsg7032 OSU86F 6378136.2 298.257223563 osu91a epsg7033 OSU91A 6378136.3 298.257223563 plessis epsg7027 Plessis 1817 6376523 308.64 pz90 epsg7054 PZ-90 6378136 298.257839 seasia Southeast Asia 6378155 6356773.3205 struve epsg7028 Struve 1860 6378298.3 294.73 walbeck Walbeck 6376896 6355834.8467 war_office epsg7029 War Office 6378300 296 wgs66 WGS 66 6378145 6356759.769356 wgs72 epsg7043 WGS 72 6378135 298.26 wgs84 epsg7030 WGS 84 6378137 298.257223563 xian epsg7049 Xian 1980 6378140 298.257