The names which may be used to access projections via their Oracle SRID number, e.g. 8307 is Longitude/Latitude, 81989 is the UK National Grid. The names are therefore srid8307, srid81989, etc. These identifiers cannot be redefined.
Since there are in excess of 1000 Oracle SRID projections, not all of them are currently available within the system and more are added as they are required by users. The available definitions may be found in the file $MXSYS/etc/projections.xml, which is read at system startup.
For an srid not yet available in our list, a projection identifier must be defined manually from values
in the Oracle table MDSYS.CS_SRS. You can use the following SQL query to get
the information:
e.g. select * from MDSYS.CS_SRS where srid=81989
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