{ <window> = } wdisplay { <file> }
Define a window for image file display or external use.
A window identifier
whose contents are to be the raster image, or defined by external means.
If this is omitted, the next free window will be used.
The image file to be displayed in <window>.
If omitted, nothing is displayed in <window>,
and a window handle may be passed to an external process for its own use.
Rotation angle, measured anticlockwise. Currently only increments of
90 degrees are permitted.
An atable to be searched within callback procedures
for this window. This means that any identifiers within <atable>
referenced in a callback do not have to be prefixed by ~<atable>.
This cannot be the local atable.
The background color of the image display area. If omitted, a default color
is used.
Restrict the displayed portion of the image to a defined rectangle. nums
should be a 4-element numeric array specifying a rectangle in image co-ordinates,
left x, top y, right x, bottom y, where Y values run top to bottom starting at 0.
The color of the window excluding the image display area. If omitted, a default
color is used.
A specification of the window decoration to be added by the window manager.
Possible values are:
0 (or -no_dec) for no decoration at all,
1 for full decoration (the default),
>1 for custom decoration, see Window Decoration.
Define the dimensions of the window's raster display area in pixels. This
should be a two element numeric array giving the width and height in pixels.
Embed the window into a container provided by an external client. <string> is the name of an
embed container created by the embed command. If the embed container does
not exist or is invalid, this switch is ignored.
Create the window fixed size, i.e. non-resizable. The default is the
value of window.resizable.
The geometry of the window in screen coordinates, either just its position
(a 2-element array) or its full rectangle geometry (a 4-element array).
The default is the value of window.outrect.
The window should be initially ghosted, i.e. insensitive to user-interaction.
The default is the current value of window.ghosted.
Create the window in iconic form. The default is the value of window.open.
Create the window invisible. The default is the value of window.visibility.
Define the window as a master window. When a master window is iconized,
this also iconizes all other windows.
Give the window a menubar for user buttons. If omitted, the window
will be created without a menubar.
The font to be used for menubar text. This must be a fixed font. If omitted
a default fixed font is used. This option has no effect on Windows systems,
where menubar font and color are controlled by the window manager.
Include the window slot number in the window's title. Use -no_num
to suppress it. The default behavior is governed by the value of the system
numeric window_numbers.
The other color for use in the window excluding the image display area, e.g.
for button text. If omitted, a default color is used.
The position of the window in screen coordinates. This is a 2-element
array. The default is the value of window.outrect[1:2].
The pixel resolution at which to display the image. Each pixel of the image will occupy
screen pixels. When the -dims switch is not present,
a default resolution of 1 is used. When the -dims
switch is present, the resolution is computed so that the image fits into
the available raster display area.
Add scrollbars to the window. If omitted, the window is created without
A shell name for communication with X application resources. If omitted, the value
display is used.
Display the window icon in the Windows taskbar. The default behavior is
not to display it in the taskbar but only to display it on the desktop when
minimized. This switch has no meaning on Unix systems.
Provide a title for the window. The default is the value of window.title.
The wdisplay command can display all image types supported by Fire, see Image File Support.
For external usage display windows, the window handle to be passed to the process is the window element window.canvas.
If the title of the window is undefined, the image file name (if any) is used.
Images too large for the display will be scaled down appropriately so that they fit.
Display an image file in a new window.
wdisplay myfile.ras
Display a image file in an existing window.
my_win = wdisplay myfile.ras
Display part of an image file at twice its normal resolution.
wdisplay domjolly.jpg, -clip=<10,10,300,200>, -res=2
Create a blank window for external use
my_win = wdisplay -dim=<500,500>
Commands: |
Identifiers: |
win# (window), window_numbers (numeric) |
Structures: |
window (display) |